2 - 1 = 2


Melody Van Gompel & Lut-Marie Dewaele 




Minister Liebaertlaan 18 - 8500 Kortrijk





Melody van Gompel




Through you / through transformation / through imagination / through movement / through you

While embodying the paintbrush between my crooked lines and coloring the words between the stories of you and I in temporary endlessness


2 - 1 = 2

"I've always longed for that heat; I've always longed for that heat; I've always longed for it; I've always longed for that meat; heatmeat; embracing me; becoming blue; I've always longed for her meat; embracing me; becoming blue; I've always longed through lively blue; almost cooked in eternal memory; and I chew, keep on chewing; It entangles with the taste of two minus one is two; just before the big swallow, I become a little dizzy of the gourmet; je suis gourmande de la mémoire bleue; and I chew; I drink while chewing through that blue substance of meatheat; when Night suggests Day, I'll be born to It; just before the big swallow, I become a little dizzy of belonging; I won't swallow It (...)"


Lut-Marie Dewaele


Vol van experiment en toevalligheden. Via mixed- media onderzoek, in gesprek gaande met verf, de materie en zichzelf.

Elk werk wordt ieder keer opnieuw een zoektocht naar nieuwe mogelijkheden. Het experimenteren blijft telkens aanwakkeren, toevalligheden worden geaccepteerd en gecapteerd.


Lut-Marie speelt graag met de materie, door te laten vloeien, te laten barsten, en vooral te genieten van dit alles! Tijdens dit proces verliest Lut-Marie zichzelf. Het voelt steeds als een gevecht aan met kleuren, onvoorspelbaarheid van de verf en de materies, met de borstels en de paletten. De kunstenares gaat onderzoekend te werk, eerder dan, resultatief.


Het is ultieme gespannenheid en het loslaten ervan, gevat in één werk!




Full of experiment and coincidences. Through mixed-media research, entering into a conversation with paint, the material and herself. Every work becomes a search for new possibilities every time. Experimentation continues to stir up, coincidences are accepted and captured.


Lut-Marie likes to play with matter, to let it flow, to burst, and above all to enjoy it all! During this process, Lut-Marie loses herself. It always feels like a battle with colours, the unpredictability of the paint and the materials, with the brushes and the palettes. The artist works investigatively, rather than resultantly.


It is the ultimate tension and the release of it, captured in one work!